Happy birthday, Marcel Proust. He was born 141 years ago today.
Tag Archives: bday
Happy birthday Charles Dickens!
Despite the fact that some people believe Charles Dickens can not be read or appreciated by today’s gadget-addled callow youth, the rest of us are celebrating the 200th anniversary of his birth — born on this day, February 7th, in 1812
via Happy birthday Charles Dickens: World-wide celebration begins (Melville House Books)
WorldCat (Adam’s favorite tool) Turns 40! Yay WorldCat
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the launch of WorldCat, the world’s most comprehensive online library database. Few of those involved in the creation of WorldCat would have guessed that 40 years later, thousands of librarians and catalogers around the world would have cataloged more than 1.7 billion items.
via WC40.
WorldWideWeb: 18 years in the public domain – Boing Boing
Eighteen years ago today, CERN released the source code of WorldWideWeb — the first Web browser and editor — into the public domain. Tim Berners-Lee has some screen shots of the browser at his CERN page.
via WorldWideWeb: 18 years in the public domain – Boing Boing.