Late Night at the Todd Library a success!

Thanks for coming to our Late Night with the Todd Library program! Students received help with research, citations, and writing. We also had a variety of free snacks and drinks and gave out gift cards to Best Buy, Borders, and two JumpDrives.

Students, faculty, and library staff all enjoyed the program. Our biggest comment from students and faculty was, “When will you be doing this again?” There’s good news! We will be having another Late Night with the Todd Library program in the fall. Watch for the date to be announced at the start of the fall 2006 semester.

Health and Wellness resources

The Todd Library participated in Waubonsee’s Benefits/Wellness Fair on April 19th. Information on health and wellness resources available at the Todd Library was highlighted, along with internet resources for health research. Librarians brought print and electronic resources to show and answered questions about researching these topics. Here is a sampling of what is available on these topics. Stop by to learn more and see all of our health and wellness resources!

These lists are just a sampling of what we have available in our library. Please stop by or contact us by phone, ext. 2396, or email,, to learn more about what we have available to help you find health and wellness information.

Books at the Todd Library

The Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide.
Anthony L. Komaroff, Editor-in-Chief.
RC81.H38 1999

Mayo Clinic Family Health Book.
Scott C. Litin, Editor-in-Chief.
RC81.M473 2003

Physical: An American Checkup.
James McManus.
RA418.3 .U6 M36 2006

Magazines and Journals at the Todd Library

The following titles are available in our Current Periodicals section, arranged alphabetically by title.

  • Cooking Light
  • FDA Consumer
  • Health
  • Journal of the American Medical Association
  • Nutrition Today
  • Psychology Today
  • Yoga Journal

Databases at the Todd Library

The following databases are available through our web page. If you are off campus, just pick the database you need and log in with your Waubonsee ID and password.

CINAHL (a nursing database)
-Enter keywords for a topic.
-Limit to “full text” for articles you can read on the computer.
-Select search.

Health Source: Consumer Edition
-Enter keywords for a topic.
-Limit to “full text” for articles you can read on the computer.
-Select search.

Web pages


  • Use the search box at the top to find information on your topic.
  • Click on health library to browse by topic instead of searching.
  • Click just for you to find health topics arranged by men, women, age, ethnicity and other groups.


  • Enter your terms in the search box and click on search Medline Plus.
  • Click on health topics to read the list and find your topic.
  • Medical Encyclopedia provides definitions and pictures.

Healthy People 2010

  • This page provides information to help individuals and communities take steps to better health.
  • Use the link Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 to see the new guidelines.
  • Use the publications link to find out more about this initiative.