Data Journalism
Gold: CNN Home & Away, Stamen
Silver: Government Spending, Guardian data and graphics teams
Bronze: Metallica on Stage, Deniz Cem Önduygu, Amaç Herdağdelen, Eser Aygün
Interactive Visualisation
Gold: Notabilia, Moritz Stefaner, Dario Taraborelli, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
Silver: The American Energy Spectrum, Hyperakt, Deroy Peraza, Eric Fensterhei
Bronze: Evolution of Web, Hyperakt, Deroy Peraza, Eric Fensterhei
Data Visualisation
Gold: Information graphics in context, Peter Ørntoft
Silver: Look at the sky, Carla Fernandez / Arce
Bronze: Lunar calendar, Dimitre Lima
Gold: Cover mania, Michele Mauri
Silver: Envisioning emerging technology for 2012 and Beyond, Michell Zappa
Bronze: Paulo Estriga CV, Paulo Estriga
Motion Infographic
Gold: Afghanistan – What is the true cost of war?, Peter Jeffs, Tom Stevenson
Silver: Stuxnet: Anatomy of a virus, Patrick Clair, Scott Mitchell
Bronze: Economist – The Seventh Billion, team
Tool or Website
Gold: The Antimap, Trent Brooks
Silver: FF Chartwell, Travis Kochel and FontFont
Bronze: Gephi, Mathieu Bastian, Sébastien Heymann, Mathieu Jacomy
Special Awards
Studio Award:
Best Individual Contribution:
Moritz Stefaner
Student Award:
Timeline of the Universe, Omid Kashan
Corporate Award:
The Interactive UK Energy Consumption Guide, Epiphany Search (Gaz Battersby and Bryan James)
Information Art:
Judges’ note: Regrettably the entries did not meet the necessary standards.
Community Award
Metallica on Stage, Deniz Cem Önduygu, Amaç Herdağdelen, Eser Aygün
Challenge Winner, infodesign
The Top Most Profitable Movies of 2001 Across 22 Story Types, Cristina Vanko
Challenge Winner, interactive
Budgets Big and Small, Daniel Leventhal
Ultimate Award – Most Beautiful
CNN Home & Away, Stamen