April 30, 1859, Charles Dickens’s A Tale Of Two Cities is first published, the best of times ensue.
Tag Archives: dickens
On a related note (it is Dickens’ birthday today) » Are we too stupid to read Dickens?
We’re familiar with the argument: the modern age is bankrupting our attention spans, we are all technology-addled morons clicking semi-consciously between browser screens, unable to complete the simplest of tasks: mesmerised, drooling, catatonic simpletons…
The answer is NO, of course, so says David Foster Wallace…
[click the link to find out exactly what DFW has to say]
via “Are we too stupid to read Dickens?” Melville House Books
Happy birthday Charles Dickens!
Despite the fact that some people believe Charles Dickens can not be read or appreciated by today’s gadget-addled callow youth, the rest of us are celebrating the 200th anniversary of his birth — born on this day, February 7th, in 1812
via Happy birthday Charles Dickens: World-wide celebration begins (Melville House Books)