The web, as it appears at any one moment, is a phantasmagoria. It’s not a place in any reliable sense of the word. It is not a repository. It is not a library. It is a constantly changing patchwork of perpetual nowness.
You can’t count on the web, okay? It’s unstable. You have to know this.
Source: The Internet’s Dark Ages

Alex Madrigal (of The Atlantic) on his recipe for countering misinformation on the viral web:
…I decided to do the only thing that seemed likely to help, in some small way:Â create content that would A) counter the misinformation, B) have authority, and C) be as viral as the bad information.
See his results as he wrestles with the fake photos going viral, post Sandy.
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Subvert ‘Em: Countering Misinformation on the Viral Web – Alexis C. Madrigal – The Atlantic.

Why does Amazon now have customers do the search chores it used to do for them, and in innovative ways?
Search Gets Lost | The Nation.

Eighteen years ago today, CERN released the source code of WorldWideWeb — the first Web browser and editor — into the public domain. Tim Berners-Lee has some screen shots of the browser at his CERN page.
via WorldWideWeb: 18 years in the public domain – Boing Boing.
A look at the news and events happening in the Libraries at Waubonsee Community College