A new book you may want to check out is titled: Plato and a Platypus walk into a Bar…Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes. This New York Times bestseller presents concepts such as metaphysics, existentialism, relativity, and more, resulting in a book that teaches philosophy with a laugh track. (Boston Globe) What do Hegel and Bette Midler have in common? Find it in our Paperback Collection.
What would Kierkegaard think?!!
You know there have been many books written about the presidents. But did you know those same presidents have done a lot of writing themselves? The display case currently features some of their speeches, books, diaries and letters. Check out Kennedy’s Nobel Prize winning title Profiles in Courage. Or George Washington’s Writings. Read what these men have had to say…in their own words.
Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night?
In cooperation with Community Education’s program on Chicagoland ghost stories, the Todd Library will be displaying some of it’s own book collection on ghosts and hauntings. Come check them out and remember that Halloween is just around the corner!
A look at the news and events happening in the Libraries at Waubonsee Community College