
April Book Display

With the hosting of the Waubonsee Community College’s  Student Art Exhibit this Spring  in the Todd Library, we will be featuring some of our own collection of various books surrounding the ” World of Art and Artists”. Come join us to view the talents of our students as well as our vast array of art noteworthy books.

February Book Display


February,  2010

Traditionally, in the United States and Canada,  the month containing Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday (12th) and Frederick Douglass’s presumed birthday (14th) is when we observe a special period in which we recognize the achievements and contributions by African Americans. The first year of observation was in 1926 and launched by Dr. Carter G. Woodson.


Did you know that the United Kingdom celebrates Black History Month in October?

Come join us in the Todd Library and check out some of our books and/or audio-visual materials.

January 2010 Book Display

California’s most famous Gold Rush dates back to the morning of January 24, 1848, when James Marshall was making his customary inspection of the sawmill he was building for John Sutter. He was more interested in finishing the sawmill than the “shining flecks of metal” found in the running water. His discovery though, set an immediate “rush to the mines” and by the Spring of 1849, the largest gold rush in American History was under way. The people who really benefited from the large influx of people were the shipyard and lumber yard owners, since the population grew from 14,000 in 1848 to 250,000 by 1852. Other gold rushes include the Georgia Rush of 1829, Klondike Gold Rush of 1898 and the Porcupine Gold Rush of 1909. Come in and check out information on this great adventure in our country’s history.

December Book Display

Pearl Harbor photo

“A date that will live in infamy”

December 7, 1941 at 7:55 am (local time) nearly 200 Japanese aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which was considered the US  “Gibraltar of the Pacific”. The raid, that lasted less than an hour, killed nearly 3,000 people. A declaration of war was requested by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and approved by the Congress on December 8th, which caused the United States to enter into World War II. Come check out our December Memorial Book Display as we explore past and present history books  and videos concerning this most important date.