Web site of the Week: Newseum

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Newseum is a museum in Washington D.C. that focuses on news and news reporters.  The coolest section on this website is the ability to view the current day front page of newspapers from all across the world.  If you are interested in journalism there is also a section called Journalism News that features articles that discuss ethics, privacy, the future of the newspaper and more.

December Book Display

Pearl Harbor photo

“A date that will live in infamy”

December 7, 1941 at 7:55 am (local time) nearly 200 Japanese aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which was considered the US  “Gibraltar of the Pacific”. The raid, that lasted less than an hour, killed nearly 3,000 people. A declaration of war was requested by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and approved by the Congress on December 8th, which caused the United States to enter into World War II. Come check out our December Memorial Book Display as we explore past and present history books  and videos concerning this most important date.

Web site of the Week: Smarthistory


This site has a unique homepage that allows you to explore art history by time period.   You can also browse by style, theme, or artist.  In addition to text and images,  SmartHistory also has videos and and podcasts that can be downloaded to your iPod.  Although the site has more contemporary art history information, Smarthistory is adding new material all the time.

Web site of the Week: Greener Choices

Photo found via compfight


The company that puts out Consumer Reports (Consumers Union) has a website that helps people make environmentally friendly choices.  Greener Choices has a section on deciphering green labels to help you understand various claims being made about products.  In another section, Greener Choices compares cars, appliances, and other products to one another based on their environmental impacts.  This website also has a great list of related websites under the Tools-Resources tab where you can get more information about climate change, renewable resources, and sustainable agriculture.

Women and the National Book Award

american-salvage-covere-187x300On the blog bookish us, Jessi muses, “…focusing only on fiction… From 1989 to 2008, there have been 45 female nominees and 55 male nominees…. But in this same time, there have been 13 male winners and only seven female winners. Between 2005 and 2008, there were six female nominees, 14 male ones, and not a single female winner.” This, in an age of equality and enlightenment–any comment?

A look at the news and events happening in the Libraries at Waubonsee Community College