Tag Archives: influence

“One D*mn Slide After Another”: PowerPoint at Every Occasion for Speech : Computational Culture

“PowerPoint provides a common infrastructure, a template for the organization of speech, and for the logic of argumentation. As such, it shapes and produces the world. Nevertheless, the application has been almost entirely unremarked upon by critical scholars of media, technology, and the digital humanities. Why? Despite extraordinary claims about the total domination of algorithms, protocols, the digital, bits, and information, the material conditions of mundane software use go largely under-recognized as key sites for cultural work. Where, for example are the books about tax software, bug databases, or personal calendaring applications?”

Source: “One D*mn Slide After Another”: PowerPoint at Every Occasion for Speech : Computational Culture

How Much Does a Review in the NY Times Book Review Matter?

The front page of the New York Times Book Review has always been—and continues to be—a much coveted spot for authors and publishers alike. But just how much does a Book Review cover affect a book’s sales in today’s publishing climate

PW found that the Gray Lady still has influence in the minds of readers, though not nearly on a big enough scale to seriously alter a book’s fortunes…

How Much Does the Times Book Review Matter?.