Tag Archives: ereaders

Wow, just wow: The Nook version of War and Peace had changed every instance of “kindle” or “kindled” into “Nook” and “Nookd,”

Today another incident casts into relief the contingent nature of electronic books — how readily they are not only deleted or censored, but altered.  The Nook version of War and Peace had changed every instance of “kindle” or “kindled” into “Nook” and “Nookd”…

War and Nookd :: The Future of the Internet — And How to Stop It.

“There is a growing distinction between the book reader and the book owner.”

When interviewer Jeffrey Trachtenberg asks Makinson about the future of “physical books,” though, Makinson is measured. Physical books will never disappear, he maintains. The reason is that the e-book customer has different motives and expectations than the physical book customer:

“There is a growing distinction between the book reader and the book owner.”

via Books Owners and Book Readers – Brainstorm – The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Study: E-readers not doing it for computer science students, via MOBYLIVES



College e-textbooks have long been seen as salvation by many textbook publishers. That hope may be misguided. According to a Seattle Times report , in a study conducted on computer science students that will be released next week, researchers at the University of Washington found that, “Seven months into the study, more than 60 percent of the students had stopped using their Kindle regularly for academic reading — and these were computer science students, who are presumably more sympathetic to an electronic book.”

via MOBYLIVES » Study: E-readers not doing it for computer science students.