It should be no surprise that libraries and bookstores—the places where you can go pick up a copy of 1984 or Darkness at Noon—are privacy hipsters. They’ve been fighting overbroad government surveillance since before it was cool.
Tag Archives: bookstores
How much is a beloved bookstore really worth?
Washington City Paper has a must-read article, with some facts and figures about Politics & Prose, a lovely bookstore in Washington DC, that asks the critical question: How much is a beloved [independent] bookstore really worth?
What would be your answer?
“Why would you want to read that; it’s dumb,â€
Carla Cohen, owner of the Politics & Prose Bookstore in Washington DC – one of my favorite bookstores in the country – recently passed on. Before moving on…she had the following interaction with one of her customers (this anecdote is from a tribute shared on the Politics & Prose website):
Cohen sometimes responded to customers in a less-then-politic way: “Why would you want to read that; it’s dumb,†she would say to a customer asking for a book of which she disapproved. “You would enjoy this a lot more — and it’s a far better book.â€
Now that is a bookseller, par excellence: she knew her stuff (books) and her customers.
Farewell Carla, I appreciate all that you have taught me (Adam) from afar.