In a way, these passages [of Whitman’s] present a challenge to the modern academic terminology of “the speaker.†In this critical tradition, students may discuss the words not of John Donne but of “Donne’s speaker,†and even (though this sounds more peculiar) not the words of Emily Dickinson but of “Dickinson’s speaker.â€
Useful though the notion of “the speaker†may be sometimes, it is challenged by certain poems.
@author is new feature in a limited beta release on Kindle and Amazon Author Pages that connects readers with their favorite writers and their books. It’s easy: Readers can ask AUTHORS questions directly from their Kindles, or post them to Amazon Author Pages.
Anyone who has purchased items from can reply to an existing question or ask a new one, and all visitors to can read any current question or response…
Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa has won the 2010 Nobel Prize in literature.
The Swedish Academy said it’s honoring the 74-year-old author “for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual’s resistance, revolt and defeat.”
The upshot: From an e-book sale, an author makes a little more than half what he or she makes from a hardcover sale.
The new economics of the e-book make the author’s quandary painfully clear: A new $28 hardcover book returns half, or $14, to the publisher, and 15%, or $4.20, to the author. Under many e-book deals currently, a digital book sells for $12.99, returning 70%, or $9.09, to the publisher and typically 25% of that, or $2.27, to the author.