All posts by Kathy

Catch the Show!

meteorInterested in a star-studded late-night extravaganza? Catch the Leonid Meteor Shower, November 13-21. Meteors will peak on the 17th with the best viewing for our area being between 2:30 am and 4:30 am. According to Astronomy Senior Editor Richard Talcott, “If the weather cooperates, viewing conditions should be nearly ideal. Observers normally can see 20 to 30 meteors per hour at the peak, but rates could spike considerably this year.”

Go Green in the Hereafter

If you want to be as eco-friendly as possible and you want to plan ahead, consider a green burial optionGrave-3. Some cemeteries now offer green options and do not use embalmment, entomb- ment or non-biodegradable materials. Consider a minimal casket or cloth shroud. Or cremated remains can be mixed with ashes and formed into a “honeycombed igloo” which becomes a sea-creature habitat when sunk onto an established reef. As Billy Campbell, MD of  Ramsey Creek natural cemetary says, “We work to reincorporate the dead into the trees and flowers, catching them up in the cycles of life and death, decomposition and rebirth, that sustain us all.”

Think you haven’t read it? Think again!

glbt“The idea that GLBT literature is confined to GLBT characters and therefore of limited audience interest represents interconnected misconceptions.”  Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Literature. Readers probably recognize gay and lesbian authors Oscar Wilde and Virginia Woolf.  But many might be surprised that classics by Herman Melville and William Shakespeare are also considered as having GLBT themes.  Stop in and see our display–you just might find you’ve read more GLBT literature than you think!

Recycle your Electronics–Safely!

Did you know the “EPA estimates that 2.6 million tons of electronic waste were dropped into landfills in 2007”? (NY Times 6/30/09)   Want to know what you can do about it?  Kane County recycles e-waste.  The EPA lists electronic recycling programs, too.  Or stop by our “Go Green” display to pick up othernew-image useful tips to help you recycle those old electronics safely.