Are you looking for a paper topic?

Are you looking for a paper topic? World News Digest, one of the library databases, has a list of research topics available. To get to the list, go to the list of library databases at and click on World News Digest. The list is alphabetical. Once you have entered World News Digest, click on the box in the upper right corner that says “Need a Research Topic?” to get to the list.

Click on a topic in the list to get a short description of the topic with some interesting questions about it. You will also get links to overviews of that topic and related articles. Topics include, but aren’t limited to: climate change, U.S. immigration policy, stem cell research, and capital punishment. This is a good way to get ideas for a topic, or to narrow a topic you already had in mind.

If you have any questions about library databases or need help selecting a topic, just ask a librarian!