
May 2018 Book Display

Smallpox Vaccine Discovered – 1796

In the 18th century, smallpox was a widespread and often fatal disease. Within 18 months, 12,000 people in England had been vaccinated and the number of smallpox deaths dropped by two-thirds. Come check out , at the Todd Library, what other diseases have been eradicated or still a major concern to life world-wide and the controversy over vaccinations.

March Book Display 2018

The Fall of the Alamo and Beyond

February and March 1836 denotes the siege of the Texan fort, led by the Mexican General Santa Anna. General Sam Houston rallied the U.S, with the war cry, “Remember the Alamo” and on April 21, 1836 defeated Santa Anna who then signed a treaty recognizing Texas’s independence. Come check out some of the library collection.