
December Book Display

Treaty of Paris ends the Spanish-American War

December 1898

Following the conclusion of the Spanish-American War in 1898, the American and Spanish Ambassadors met in Paris, France to negotiate a treaty. Come check out the history leading up to,  through-out and the final results of the war,  in our collection of books at the Todd Library.

November Book Display

Anniversary of the Assassination

The end of “Camelot” occurred on November 22, 1963 when President John F. Kennedy was slain by a sniper while riding in an open automobile at Dallas, Texas during his campaign for re-election. Come check out Todd Library’s collection on his life and death.

October Book Display

Adopt-A-Shelter Dog Month

To promote the adoption of dogs from local shelters, the ASPCA sponsors this important observance.  If you are planning a holiday pet addition, come by and check out our variety of books concerning dogs to help you prepare for this special event. Or just visit to learn more about how special dogs can be.

September Book Display

Attack on America: 10th Anniversary

In honor of the more than 3,000 lives lost on September 11, 2001, we dedicate our book display. Come see how Americans are responding this year and the path to healing that is taking place.

August Book Display

World Wide Web Anniversary

The creation of what would become the World Wide Web was suggested by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN, in Switzerland. The name was suggested on August 1, 1990 and by October of that year they had designed a prototype Web browser. They also introduced HTML and URLs. By early 1993, there were 50 Web servers worldwide. Come check out both the history and current trends concerning this now household technology at the Todd Library during the month of August.