This site helps to “provide accurate and unbiased information about topics in genetics, bioscience and health.” Topics include stem cells, addiction, DNA, and more. This site also contains interactive tools and tutorials. My favorite is called “Cell Size and Scale” which visually compares objects to show how tiny cells really are. Â
This website contains fun study guides related to history, literature, music and more. The literature study guides are really helpful if you are assigned to read a literary classic. Written by educators, these sometimes snarky guides prove that learning can be fun.
This website evaluates health related news stories featured in the media to see if they accurate or if they written for shock value. Physicians from Health News Review evaluate current health news on ten different criterion, including:
Does the report exaggerate human consequences?
Are treatment costs mentioned in the report?
Are the harms of treatment options discussed?
A look at the news and events happening in the Libraries at Waubonsee Community College