Category Archives: Did you Know?

Choose Privacy Week

Choose Privacy Week (May 2-8) is a new initiative by the American Library Association that invites library users into a national conversation about privacy rights in a digital age. Their vision statement declares “In the spirit of civic values that allow people to freely seek information in all formats without fear of retribution or exploitation, it’s time to reclaim our right to privacy.” Check out their website for more information and what you can do to protect your digital privacy at

Shanghai World Expo

photo courtesy of Stefano Meneghetti, found via compfight

The Shanghai World Expo opens May 1 (eight years in the making).  The Expo has everything from an animated giant baby mannequin to a crystal palace that contains seeds from all over the world.  Experts estimate that the Expo has cost somewhere around 58 billion dollars.  Check out the links below to view the amazing architecture and learn more about the Expo!

The Big Picture, “Shanghai’s Expo Nearly Ready
The Official Website for Shanghai Expo 2010
Guardian Article, “Shanghai Expo is Set to Be the World’s Most Expensive Party

Recycle your Cell Phone Here

April 5-11 is National Cell Phone Recycling Week. According to the EPA’s website, if Americans recycled the approximately 130 million cell phones that are disposed of annually, enough energy would be saved to power more than 24,000 homes in a year. Recycling or donating cell phones helps the environment by saving energy and keeping usable materials out of landfills. So drop off your used cell phone at the library today!

“Poetry is life distilled.” ~Gwendolyn Brooks

April is National Poetry Month–a celebration of poetry and our complex poetic heritage. Established by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month is a chance for everyone to return to that art form which predates literacy yet remains as current as the lyrics on the latest downloaded songs. Stop in to the library and pick up some poetry–old favorite or new, to read aloud or silently, slim volume or weighty tome or just one to slip into your pocket.