Are you a bibliophile, a bookworm?  Why don’t you try organizing your books and your reading with some free online tools? With the help of LibraryThing, GoodReads, Shelfari or even “My Library” on Google Books, you can catalog your books, keep track of what you’ve read or what you want to read, as well as read reviews and get recommendations.
Want to join a book club, send a message to an author? Try GoodReads. Want to catalog your books? Try LibraryThing. Spend a lot of time on Google? Try “MyLibrary” on Google Books. The possibilities are endless. Try one–and let us know which site you like best.
Is Big Brother watching? For Banned Books Week we are featuring George Orwell. Both 1984 and Animal Farm have long histories of censorship and challenges. Visit our display and learn about book censorship, Orwell and how issues like the Great Firewall of China and police cameras are seen by some as “Big Brother is watching.”
Waubonsee has joined the Illinois Sustainability University Compact which sets out 12 environmental objectives for Illinois universities and community colleges. Objectives being set include recycling, using non-toxic cleaning products and composting. In support of this initiative the library has some new books on sustainability.
Spring Break–and we are here for YOU! The library will be open our regular hours over Spring Break, and we will be manning the phones and our Live Chat/IM Reference services to answer all your questions. In Cancun? Visit the library Web page, and use our Electronic Sources wherever you are!
A look at the news and events happening in the Libraries at Waubonsee Community College